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OASIS - Getting it Right

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Upon admit, Mr. Jones states he is feeling better after a trip to the MD this afternoon. He denies dizziness and is able to walk unassisted with a walker, get in and out of his chair and use the restroom independently. According to his wife, he suffered severe vertigo and vomiting most of last night until he was finally seen late this afternoon. On admission you document:

A physical therapist performs an admission for a patient and carefully writes down all medications that a patient is taking. The RN case manager in the office reviews the medications and notes if there are any potential problems and then communicates his findings to the therapist. You know that this process: *

At case conference, a decision was made to recertify your patient for additional services. A recertification visit was made and OASIS was completed. As you are leaving, your patient becomes short of breath and diaphoretic. You recognize serious trouble and call 911. Later you learned that he died before the ambulance got him to the hospital. What OASIS do you submit?

Which of the following is a surgical wound?

Admission orders for your patient included administration of the flu vaccine. During her initial episode, she spent a week in the hospital. You completed a ROC but a week later, her family calls the office and reports that the patient is moving out of state so a grown daughter could take care of her. How do you answer M1046 on the discharge - Did the patient receive the flu vaccine for this years flu season? *

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